The tales of my life.

Hi, my name is Shawny. Well that's what I prefer to go by. I have contemplated writing a book but what goes on in my mind is messy and all over the place, just as my life has been. so be aware that what and when I write will jump all over the place. so I have decided to open the flood gates and share all the crazy, sad, happy, things that my beautiful soul has experienced and will experience.

I will start with a basis of right now in this moment. i am sitting on my couch in this physical body that if falling apart, with a 1 year old little girl standing on her head next to me and a 2 year old little girl playing with baking cloths, that now need to be washed. i have become a divorced, single, full time working mommy of 2 beautiful crazy messy strong souls.

today has been what i call a bad day. depression is a soul eater. my house is a mess, all the laundry is dirty, and what am i doing?

i have started reading a book called the unteathered soul. it is blowing my mind, but as like every soul on this planet, i am so wrapped up in my experiences that my soul is lost and shut off, leaving me unable to retrieve the unlimited energy that we all have free access to.

have you ever had so many things going through your head that you feel frozen, unable to speak, focus, or feel any emotion at all? that is what is going on with me right now.

now that i have told the here and now. i will have to begin the journey of writing all the, well lets be honest, f*cked up things my soul has experienced in this current physical body.

where should i begin is the question?
